
The information, statements, material, publications, products, and references to and information on services, contained or accessible through this website, (collectively the “Information and References”) are provided for general information and circulation purposes only. Accordingly, the Information and References do not constitute, and should not be deemed as constituting, an offer or solicitation of an offer, or advice or recommendation (of any nature and form whatsoever), whether implied or express, to acquire, purchase or sell any currency (whether virtual or fiat), token, product or financial instrument, to make any investment, or to participate in any particular trading strategy, or to otherwise engage any services of Bernaretaro Limited (the “Company”). The Company also does not warrant or represent that the Information and References are accurate, up to date or applicable to the circumstances of any particular case.

The Company is not and shall not be responsible or liable for any loss or damage arising from or connected with any decision taken or any course of action followed in reliance on the Information and References or any part thereof. To this end, to the fullest extent of all applicable laws and regulations, the Company disclaims any and all liability whatsoever and howsoever arising.

This website, and all its contents, data and information, constitutes the property of the Company. The Company is duly incorporated and existing out of the Republic of Cyprus, with company registration number HE 447504, and is in the business of software development, distribution, maintenance and support, with a focus on specialized systems, platforms and programmes. The Company holds no license or authorization, whether regulatory or otherwise, to conduct its said business and is, in any event, not required to hold any such license or authorization.